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Studio Andrioli is an accounting firm composed by certified accountants, auditors and fiscal experts offering market-leading, clear and exhaustive consulting services on any subject regarding accounting, bookkeeping, taxation and business management.

The philosophy of Studio Andrioli aims at the full customer satisfaction, and uses a clear and simplified language to assure a straightforward comprehension on any subject in the fiscal and tax area.

The Studio Andrioli assumes the role of reference point for anybody requiring assistance in the administrative and fiscal field. In particular, the Studio addresses at:

• Small and medium enterprises
• Artisans
• Merchants
• Freelance professionals
• Privates

Ancora 1


Ancora 2
Ancora 3
Ancora 4

Tax consultancy

• Initiation of VAT numbers
• Simplified accounting entries, ordinary entries, minimum entries, lump sum entries, new initiatives
• Individual tax returns (730), natural persons, partnerships, corporations
• Corporate taxation planning
• Periodic supply balance for the performance audit
• Monitoring of the fiscal and economic performance
• Assistance for the relations with the public administration
• Advices regarding tax and fiscal legislation

  • Pareri riguardanti  la normativa fiscale e tributaria

Corporate and business consultancy

  • Creation and establishment of a new company

  • Prior agreements among partners and shareholders’ agreements

  • Statute drafting, companies’ corporate legal acts and rules

  • Contracts in general

  • Registration at the welfare, social security, and chamber of commerce bodies.

  • Extraordinary operations : transformations, mergers, divisions, etc.

  • Draft of corporate reports, evaluation of company’s shares

Consulting on Accounting services

• Organization and customized management of mandatory accounting records
• Organization of all accounting and tax compliances and requirements aimed at the management of the mandatory fiscal deadlines (e.g. VAT settlement procedure)
• Tax payments by electronic means (model F24)
• Presentation of notifications and monthly, quarterly and annual statements (INTRASTAT, Black List, etc..)
• Maintenance of the mandatory accounting books

Consultancy regarding self-employed persons

• Initiation of the VAT registration number
• Selection of the best accounting system
• Contracts concerning the self-employed persons
• Registration to the social security/ pension bodies and/or to the pension funds
• Maintenance of the accounting entries and books, and redaction of the tax returns
• Lease and/or transfer to third parties of the professional firm
• Closing of the VAT registration number

Consultancy for the natural person

• Financial aid for the purchase of the first house and appliances
• Request for preferential VAT treatment
• Tax relief for the energy savings and property renovations
• Mortgage loan for the first house, renegotiation, modification and cancellation
• Lease agreements for housing, industrial and commercials real estates
• Lease agreements registration by electronic means
• Payment of annual and periodic stamp duties
• Inheritance successions

Tax advisory and management of tax litigation

• Full management of tax litigation
• Advice on tax and company law
• Drafting of appeals, warnings, letters, memories
• Drafting of statutes, regulations and corporate acts
• Assistance during all phases of tax litigation

Management control

• Company budget and/or of the firm’s areas characterized by business risk
• Economic budget for investments
• Analysis of the financial feasibility of operative budgets and investments
• Management control and verification of deviations between the reconciliation of the advisory amounts with the budget values
• Analysis of revenues and financial indexes
• Strategies and assessment during the acquisitions of enterprises.

Audit and board of auditors

• Control and audit of the corporate accounting and bookkeeping
• Control and audit of the implemented accounting systems
• Activity of the board of auditors
• Accounting and bookkeeping audit for minority shareholders

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35126 Padova, Via A. Manzoni, 138.


Lunedì - Venerdì

08.30 -13.00 e 14.00 - 17.30 

C.F. e P.Iva 03485040285

LOGO CCIU Camera di Commercio Ungheria.j
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